National Emergency Supply Agency’s strategy for 2024–2027

During this strategy period (2024–2027), National Emergency Supply Agency’s (NESA) focus is on genuinely aligning the content and scaling of preparedness work with the requirements of the changed security environment. During its previous strategy period (2021–2023), the NESA focused on the internal development of its operations and establishing the basic preconditions for security of supply operations. During the new strategy period, the NESA will carry out preparedness planning according to the risk-based approach developed during the previous strategy period, which involves identifying the main security of supply risks and interdependencies of sector-specific threats and disruptions.

Strategic focus areas and scenarios

The risks and threats to security of supply – the continuity of vital functions – have become more concrete. They are also more serious and complex than before. Because of this, the preparation of this strategy has involved considering what kind of crisis tolerance and preparedness the extremely uncertain global situation and the growing threat of Russia require of us. The tasks assigned to the NESA by security of supply legislation must be examined in relation to the new threat environment.

Strategic focus areas during the strategy period:

  • energy supply
  • food and water supply
  • transport and supply chains
  • digital security and security of supply of information
  • industrial engineering arrangements for serious crises.


In the current security situation, it is essential, to focus on developing security of supply arrangements so that society’s capacity to withstand crises and disruptions, especially serious ones, is strengthened. With its new strategy, the NESA aims to respond to three key scenarios which are a military threat, broad-spectrum influencing, and severe disruptions of the global economy.

New opportunities and challenges

During this strategy period, the NESA will extensively acknowledge the increased international importance of security of supply and activities that create new opportunities for implementing national security of supply. For example, the resilience and preparedness work carried out in the context of the EU and NATO also facilitate more effective safeguarding of national security of supply.

Systematic approaches will also be strengthened so that security of supply arrangements can be developed to meet the needs of national defense. In addition to this, a strong commitment to developing the capabilities of the NESA and its network, close cooperation with the defence administration and the development of preparedness arrangements for critical infrastructure are needed.

The NESA’s strategic objectives

  • Security of supply in the priority sectors has significantly improved thanks to the work of the NESA.
  • The NESA has developed industrial engineering arrangements for serious crises in cooperation with its network.
  • Critical infrastructure assets have been identified and sufficient contingency arrangements and repair capabilities have been built for them at least in the focus areas.
  • The NESA steers security of supply work and related interaction through knowledge-based management.
  • The NESA has established operating models for preparedness and readiness planning and a range of services offered to the network. The structure of the National Emergency Supply Organisation corresponds to security of supply needs.
  • There are sufficient resources and legislative support for security of supply work.


We work together to build a crisis-resistant society so that even in a crisis, Finnish society will keep functioning and life will continue with minimal disruptions.


Shockproof Finland.

Read the NESA’s strategy