Published 26.11.2024

New guide provides instructions on how to prepare for disruptions and crises

A new guide aimed at the entire population entitled ‘Preparing for incidents and crises’ has been published on the online service. The guide was prepared under the direction of the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and an extensive cooperation network. One of the actors that participated in the network’s work was the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA).

The ‘Preparing for incidents and crises’ guide on covers situations that would have a wide impact on society and communities.

Such situations that need to be prepared for in advance include long power, water and telecommunications outages, extreme weather phenomena, major accidents and longer-term crises, such as a pandemics or military conflicts. In addition to instructions, the guide provides information on hybrid and information influencing activities, how to maintain your own functional capacity and ability to cope in crisis situations and helping others, among other topics.

The new preparedness guide compiles information and instructions from different actors in one place. One key source is the 72-hour preparedness recommendation, which is funded by the NESA and coordinated by the Finnish National Rescue Association (SPEK).

The preparedness guide published on is broader in content than the website and also highlights the role of the authorities. The 72-hour preparedness recommendation contains basic information on preparedness for all households in a concise format.

You can only prepare in advance

Preparedness means preparing for various incidents, crises and emergency conditions in advance. The preparedness guide is therefore intended to be consulted in advance when there are no disruptions affecting society.

If something exceptional happens, everyone’s own preparedness and actions have an effect on how well they can cope themselves and how effectively they can help the people around them. When people can cope for at least 72 hours on their own, the authorities can focus on their own tasks, meaning addressing the situation and helping those most in need of help.

Everyone has different starting points for preparedness, which is why preparedness should be viewed as a range of different measures. The basis for preparedness is a home emergency supply kit, but it also encompasses the knowledge and skills required to act when something exceptional happens. Everyone should prepare at least in some way according to their own needs, possibilities and abilities.

Compiling instructions in one place makes information easier to find

Preparedness is a matter that concerns all members of society and is worked on by many different authorities and organisations. Compiling instructions concerning preparedness in a single guide makes the information easier to find for citizens. The actual content of the instructions has not changed to any significant degree in connection with the publication of the preparedness guide.

The online guide, which is available in Finnish, Swedish and English, also features summaries of its key points in Finnish and Finland-Swedish Sign Languages. The accompanying material of the guide also includes PDF summaries of basic preparedness information in 15 different languages, which people are free to print out for themselves, their loved ones and service points.

Read the “Preparing for incidents and crises” guide on the service